Thursday, September 9, 2010

Update on Motorcycle Man's Eye Surgery and new Eye Prosthesis AND NEWER UPDATE

I want to cry!  We naturally feel so much for our family members and want to take on their happiness or their pain.  Yesterday it was going to be pain I knew.  A manila bubble protected envelope addressed to MM was in the mailbox along with the junk mail, a bank statement and a bill or two.  It had the return address of the artist, the miracle man with a paint brush, the man that makes eye prosthesis so amazing that no one can tell they are acrylic eyes and not the God given eyes.  We were both under the impression that MM had to return across town to pick up his new eye and of course make sure it was fitted correctly.  Surely to God he had not mailed it in the US Mail along with the Redplum coupouns!  

I mean he took great pains in making sure that it was going to be fitted correctly since it had been several decades since MM had had the first one made as a teen.  After all, he was only one in less than a handful of people in our area with his talent.  Just look it up and see how many are in your area - I was surprised to see that there are only 3 that I could find here.  And to make it even better we thought, he was the nephew of the true artist that made the first one for MM years ago that I have heard him sing his praises for years.  Plus, he trained under him so he has to be good!

Ok, cut to the chase now.  Motorcycle Man called me on his way home from work and asked several things and then asked one of his daily questions - 'Did we get any mail?'.  I told him all of the mail and then the envelope from across town.  He asked what was in it.  I replied 'You know I never open your mail (knowing that if it had been a check it would have been ripped open already)'.  He respects that I don't open his mail (whew!) and asked me to open this one because we both know it is not going to be his eye.  I hesitated and he asked 'Are you scared to open it cause if it is the eye it will be looking at you?' cutting up with me.  I told him that if it had been mailed that I really wanted him to be the first to see it plus I wanted to see his initial reaction too.  He asked me to open it anyway and that is when I wanted to cry.

Motorcycle Man has the most beautiful GREEN eyes with twinkles and sparkles and stars that caught my attention 28 years ago.  What I was looking at was a BLUE glazed over sad looking eye with no life, no twinkles and sparkles and did I say it was BLUE.  I could not catch myself as I mummered "Oh my God!"  Did I say that out loud?  Please God, don't let me have said that where he could hear it.  Motorcycle Man asked me 'What - what do you mean OMG?'.

He made it home and checked it out himself - his face dropped at the sight of it.  But being a trooper, he retreated to the master bath to see how he would look with a green eye and a blue eye telling me after all that our beloved Golden Girl has her brown eye and gold eye and we love her  cause it is one of the unique things about her.

He called me in to look and I honestly was speechless (this is a miracle all within itself too!) .  Do not ever ask me to play poker in your place cause I ain't got no poker face!  He told me that not even looking at the blue color, it looked like his eye did after the accident when his eye "died" and turned a glazed over dull blue.  He just put it back in it little white circular case to be returned to it's manila bubble protected envelope with the return address of the artist, the........

How do you explain all of this to the artist, the miracle man with a paint brush, the man that makes eye prosthesis so amazing that no one can tell they are acrylic eyes and not the God given eyes?  Do I send him an email with a link to this post?  It goes without saying that it has to be returned and remade but how do you tell him that the pictures he had in his office for us to look at that were breathtaking and this eye are at two total ends of the spectrum?  

My man is a "you get one shot and I am through" kind of guy when it comes to things like this.  I have to stay on him and try to convince him that it will be fine - that no one is going to make a fool of him or take advantage of him.  After having spent years as a child with other kids making fun of him he still has that one little sore spot that does not need to be punched - and when we get results like this it is so so much harder to get him back up there again and finish.  I am putting this in God's hands and know that the artist will do a wonderful job on the next (and last!) one.

Please pray with me that this will turn out with another beautiful GREEN eye with twinkles and sparkles and stars to match the God given one that he has.

(I pray I did not gross anyone out with this post but after being married to this man for 28 years I can only see the beauty in his eyes and always look for that in others we encounter that have other obstacles in their daily path as well.)


I took it upon myself to call the artist and calmly explained to him that the eye was BLUE and not GREEN and the pupil which was supposed to be black was a glazed over gray.  He immediately apologized and said he would make it right and asked when was MM available to come in starting at a spot he had open at 9:30 tomorrow morning.  I knew that Motorcycle Man had appointments at work tomorrow so I booked the next available spot of next Tuesday.  I asked him to please look at his eye like I did to see the amazing colors and stars, etc and he kinda laughed and asked me to be sure and accompany MM to the office too.  Say tuned as it will only come out right - remember - this is in God's hands - it does not have any other choice!


  1. I think you did the right thing... I hope everything turns out perfect for you guys. :)

  2. Thank you for your comment Petra! I was beginning to think that I might have "grossed" folks out with my post but after having been married to him for over 26 yrs I guess I am just used to it.

    I can not wait for the appt tomorrow and pray that the artist makes it right for him.
