Monday, September 6, 2010

Strawberries by the quart for 99 cents!

We stopped in a local small grocery to pick up a bag of dog food for Golden Girl and Holy Terror and as I passed the produce section (which is on the complete opposite side of the store from the dog food aisle  OMG) I noticed a huge display of very large, fat, beautiful strawberries for only 99 cents!  Normally we have to pay $2.50.  Needless to say I stopped immediately - no brake lights - no warning signal - just another frugal shopper that found a fantastic deal that I could not pass up.  I grabbed 8 of the best looking one while using my best double-elbow block moves to keep any other like minded frugal shoppers at bay.

I knew I would have to freeze them as soon as I got home and I am very proud to say that out of all those strawberries only one was bad!


  1. Now I've got to find some deals on strawberries and get to freezing them. For I dearly love sliced strawberries on my morning cereal.

  2. I wish I could find a great Strawberry deal like that! Thanks for posting an also thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.
    Bonnie :)

  3. Wow what a deal! I need to get a deal like that and freeze some fruit. I'm constantly wasting because I tell myself I'll eat it and then never get to it. Enjoy your strawberries!
    Check out my blog, I could really use some followers, Im new to this blogging world! LOL
